%3Cpath d=%22M59.524 14.449c-11.738 0-20.004 6.828-28.031 14.613-4.551 4.793-11.02 12.7-14.133 18.328C10.41 58.29 2.625 74.223 2.625 87.04c0 6.827 2.516 11.616 7.668 13.534 5.387 2.035 11.855 1.797 19.402 1.918l9.703.719c9.465 1.078 15.813 3.473 20.126 11.618l-9.582 7.905c-6.468 5.63-12.102 10.543-17.371 17.848-3.594 4.793-5.63 8.625-5.63 14.496 0 5.027 5.63 5.508 8.986 5.508 11.86 0 29.824-19.164 29.824-36.054 0-2.996-.598-5.63-1.195-8.145.957-1.437 9.941-8.387 12.457-10.422l7.664-6.23c4.635-4.518 8.552-7.703 13.405-12.37-.043 4.014-.3 9.256 4.916 9.256 3.714 0 9.343-9.102 11.257-12.457.719-1.317 2.399-4.074 3.356-4.672 0 5.75.48 15.692 8.386 15.692 3.594 0 7.544-2.516 10.778-5.508 5.663-5.634 9.557-10.268 14.253-15.094 1.078-1.078 1.555-1.797 2.515-2.875 1.079-1.079 1.564-1.911 2.763-2.872 1.317-1.438 4.304-3.238 6.46-3.597 0 4.312-3.831 11.617-6.23 15.813l-8.383 13.894c-1.078 1.676-5.87 8.504-3.952 10.422.238.238.597.36.956.36 1.918 0 4.793-2.637 5.871-3.477 4.91-3.953 6.707-5.508 12.219-8.864 1.914-1.199 4.79-3.234 7.785-3.234.84 2.156.36 8.626-1.437 10.661l-7.31 6.108c-3.35 3.477-8.741 8.029-11.737 11.74-.598.84-1.079 1.198-1.798 1.678-1.078 1.438-1.913 2.516-2.874 3.954-3.351 4.07-5.39 7.664-7.664 12.335-1.199 3.114-2.398 8.505 1.196 9.942. 1.558.242 5.032 0 11.86-7.906 14.492-10.781l4.195-5.628c.72-.84 1.078-1.2 1.676-2.04 3.594-5.628 6.828-10.78 9.703-17.366 4.43-10.184.957-7.907 7.067-13.06.718-.597.84-.597 1.675-1.437 2.475-2.312 6.368-5.577 9.658-8.635-.05.47-.077.916-.077 1.33 0 4.313.359 6.347 4.793 6.347 3.472 0 7.184-11.257 9.46-12.815 0 5.152 3.832 11.378 9.824 11.378 2.035 0 4.313-.719 6.708-2.395l3.593-2.874c.144-.138.266-.267.403-.402-.043 3.82.862 6.628 3.309 6.628 4.672 0 9.46-15.332 13.413-17.965 1.079 2.274-.597 7.067 1.798 14.255 1.078 3.234 3.113 6.468 6.827 6.468.72 0 1.438-.12 2.278-.359 2.754-.718 6.586-5.512 8.262-7.668l.066-.086c.162 3.155 1.122 5.355 3.288 5.355 4.672 0 9.46-15.332 13.414-17.965 1.078 2.274-.597 7.067 1.797 14.255 1.079 3.234 3.113 6.468 6.828 6.468.719 0 1.438-.12 2.278-.359 2.754-.718 6.586-5.512 8.262-7.668.12-.16.45-.593.842-1.118.406 1.033 1.038 2.042 2.032 3.035 2.035 2.036 4.433 2.876 6.949 2.876 7.305 0 15.57-7.308 20.004-11.738 1.078-1.32 1.077-1.437.718-3.234-3.594 0-1.68.476-6.59 4.312-.84.598-1.199 1.077-2.156 1.796-2.394 1.797-7.426 5.27-11.617 5.27-1.438 0-2.876-.48-3.954-1.558-2.039-2.035-1.796-3.953-1.796-6.469 3.711-.238 8.023-3.712 9.94-5.868 3.712-4.672 3.713-9.464-1.556-9.464-5.75 0-12.696 8.863-12.696 14.855v.681c-2.903 4.202-6.974 11.058-10.3 11.058-4.433 0-4.672-10.66-4.672-13.657l-.718-6.707c-.598-1.32-1.438-1.918-2.278-1.918-2.875 0-6.469 6.11-7.184 7.426l-5.75 8.746c0-9.344 7.785-20.606 2.516-20.606-2.39 0-5.568 7.59-6.943 14.802-2.921 4.043-7.34 11.914-10.903 11.914-4.434 0-4.673-10.66-4.673-13.657l-.718-6.707c-.598-1.32-1.438-1.918-2.278-1.918-2.875 0-6.468 6.11-7.183 7.426l-5.75 8.746c0-9.344 7.785-20.606 2.515-20.606-2.285 0-5.29 6.934-6.753 13.844-1.526 1.684-1.95 2.763-4.145 4.728-2.637 2.632-5.153 4.069-7.427 4.069-2.515 0-4.671-1.913-5.632-6.226-1.078-4.554.96-9.946-3.235-9.946-1.554 0-6.465 10.184-8.863 13.898l-.957 1.439c-.597.715-.238.238-.598.598 0-3.954 1.676-8.505 3.235-11.02 3.473-5.993 5.867-7.669 7.664-7.669 2.277 0 3.715 2.754 5.39 2.754 3.114 0 0-6.828-5.629-6.828-6.06 0-11.43 7.946-13.942 14.93l-5.817 5.316c-2.637 2.875-6.351 5.989-9.464 8.383 0-2.035.718-7.066-2.278-9.1a5.425 5.425 0 0 0-2.633-.72c-2.394 0-4.793 1.437-6.468 2.515l-10.782 7.427c-.718.48-.957.84-1.675 1.437-1.079.84-.72.957-1.92 1.2.239-1.32 8.145-14.255 9.223-16.052 1.918-3.356 7.907-13.655 6.59-18.448-.48-1.438-1.437-1.915-2.636-1.915-5.27 0-10.862 5.843-18.961 15.034-7.827 8.428-13.316 13.913-17.687 14.193-2.277 0-4.074-2.036-4.793-7.786-.359-3.117 1.199-11.023-2.036-11.023-2.277 0-2.995 1.918-4.554 4.195l-7.183 10.54c-1.2 1.558-2.517 3.83-4.435 4.432-1.796-8.027 5.513-20.605 5.513-21.082 0-1.078-.36-1.077-.48-1.917-.84-.48-1.56-.598-2.157-.598-.957 0-1.797.476-2.637 1.437-2.122 2.718-3.999 7.602-4.914 12.052-.724.544-1.651 1.412-2.981 2.8-1.559 1.559-2.996 2.516-4.554 4.074l-9.223 8.145c-5.39 4.312-14.017 12.097-19.286 15.574-1.317-5.031-8.984-9.703-13.656-11.14-8.382-2.758-13.895-2.039-22.398-2.515-6.47-.243-16.531 0-18.805-6.11-1.199-3.473-.72-6.949-.243-10.66 1.078-5.992 5.032-17.013 8.505-22.403 2.277-4.192 3.593-6.828 6.828-11.738l14.137-16.891c1.078-1.317 2.035-1.796 3.234-2.874 1.914-1.914 5.03-3.833 7.304-5.27 3.234-1.798 6.712-3.114 10.063-3.114 3.832 0 7.309 1.677 9.704 6.228 5.03 9.703 2.995 23.358 1.315 33.542-.598 2.394-4.671 16.527-.957 16.527 2.637 0 3.114-3.234 3.954-6.944 2.277-8.504 4.55-18.567 4.55-28.032 0-12.336-5.27-25.512-16.648-26.352zm249.965 56.899c-.36 3.832-5.03 6.707-8.023 8.266.836-2.996 4.789-7.669 8.023-8.266zm-140.972 34.976c-1.437 5.511-8.387 17.129-11.379 21.68-1.918 2.996-11.86 15.574-16.052 15.574-.48 0-.839-.243-.839-.961 0-5.508 5.153-12.214 8.266-16.41l3.593-4.43c2.754-2.874 4.911-5.75 7.786-8.148 2.156-1.914 6.59-5.868 8.625-7.305zM61.078 119.14c.602 6.828 1.079 10.542-2.632 17.968-.598 1.555-1.675 2.875-2.515 4.43-1.078 1.68-1.918 2.636-3.235 4.195-3.234 4.312-11.738 10.898-17.25 10.898h-.719c-2.875 0-3.954-.116-3.954-2.99 0-3.356 3.594-8.747 5.274-10.904 5.508-7.304 7.305-8.382 13.774-14.491l6.469-5.751c.84-.602 1.437-.96 2.156-1.68 1.078-.718 1.437-1.316 2.632-1.675z%22/>%3C/svg>" style="margin-top:50px;">
Energy and Mindset Coach
Single mom to 5 amazing, emotionally intelligent kids; who successfully navigated healing herself of 20 years of an autoimmune condition through improving lifestyle, food, holistic methods, energy and mindset work.
Her wheelhouse includes: divorce, recovery from divorce, dating as a mid-single, attachment style, healthy relationship dynamics, co-parenting, healing from chronic disease and cultivating a healthy relationship with the self through improving self-awareness, self-talk, self-care, and self-love.
Passionate about empowering and helping others on a fundamental level to heal their past, through loving themselves fully through honest reflection and expression and creating an abundant life that they love to look at.
Footzoning is where the feet are regarded as a map to the body's entire system. I use gentle to moderately firm pressure (depending upon what you request) and precise techniques to stimulate specific zones on the feet, promoting energy flow, relaxation, and holistic healing. Discover the incredible potential of Footzoning to address various physical and emotional imbalances, leading you towards a more vibrant and connected life.
Energy Alignment & Mindset Coaching
The SimplyAlign Method™ rebalances the energy systems of your body to release blocked emotional energy and negative thought energy and replaces it with your natural higher vibrational energies such as love, forgiveness, and joy. These positive emotions raise your vibration, making it possible to attract what is for your best and highest good as well as what you desire for your life.